How we work

If you have a Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality or Custom Software need, we are here to help you make sense of it all. Our team of highly capable developers and project managers will be able to discuss your end goals and make sure your software product helps you achieve those goals!

Speak Geek? scours the tech-universe to bring you the latest, greatest and market ready technologies. We regularly update our tech-register to be able to partner with our customers to create a product that is right for the market.

You bring the idea and excitement, we bring the tech and advice, together we disrupt the market!

The process

  • We Initiate

    After understanding your end goals for the product or solution that you require, our operations team will sit with you and the development team to understand what it would take to bring your proverbial light-bulb to life.

    What we need from you:

    • • Your desired outcomes from using the solution we build.
    • • A user story. This is a step by step user experience explaining how your users would experience and use the solution that we have made.
    • • Content, when possible. We specialise in making awesome stuff, you have awesome information to relay to your users. Let’s bring them together.
    • • Your required project completion date.

    What we will do:

    • • Estimate the hours of VFX, Development and Project Management needed to bring your idea into fruition.
    • • Assemble a Scope of Works as discussed with you.
    • • Supply you with a quote and the Scope of Works.

    If you are satisfied with your proposal, the project will be initiated, and we will begin to amaze you.

  • We Create

    We utilise the Agile methodology when developing your Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality or Customer software solutions.

    Firstly, we set up a sprint. Every project is made up of a predefined number of sprints, where we complete small but testable segments of the solution.

    A daily scrum is held where we discuss the status of the current sprint, what help is needed and what our next steps are.

    Before moving onto the next sprint, the current sprint is tested and measured against the Scope of Works. Once all the boxes are ticked, we move onto the next sprint.

    Just like a puzzle, once all your sprints are completed, we fit them all into place and like magic, you have a working solution that is ready for user testing!

    We will submit the solution to you and allow you to test the final product. Our Project Manager will discuss your feedback and allow for one iteration of changes to happen aligned with the Scope of Works that has been agreed upon.

  • We Launch

    The project has been completed, all your end goals have been met, you are astounded by your solution and ready to wow the world!

    Depending on the type of solution we built for you there are a few ways we can deploy:

    Online Platforms

    • We can hand over the solution for you to host wherever you see fit or we can host the software for you on our secure servers at a nominal fee.

    Virtual Reality

    • We can handover the solution to you, publish to Play Store and Apple Store, or assist in VR Rental packages to get your product to your users.

    Augmented Reality

    • We can handover the solution to you and publish to Play Store and Apple Store.